Tuesday 7 February 2017

Building a Web

In 'Anansi', Alistair Campbell stresses on Community. Identify the symbol he uses in the play to discuss this community. Discuss how community building continues across the Caribbean today. 


  1. In Alistair Campbell's 'Anansi', the playwright uses the symbol of a web to show community. Anansi's web coming together represents how the Africans, even though they are from different tribes, come together in the hold.
    One example of the Africans coming together is the old woman and the girl becoming like family even though they were strangers before. The old woman becomes like a mother to the girl through the sharing of stories to pass on the African tradition and culture.
    This tradition continues across the Caribbean today even though or 'web' is not as strong as before. Parents and grandparents share stories and the traditions of our culture. They pass on language, food and values to their children and grandchildren and this continues from generation to generation.
    Because of this, in spite of the influence by other cultures our Caribbean culture still continues to thrive and be our foundation.

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  3. The symbol Alastair Cambell uses in the play to discuss the community is the web. It is Anansi's web. The web represents the link between the African people. Even in the darkness of the hold, there was laughter because the Africans were becoming stronger and forming a very tight bond. There was an African lady telling Anansi stories to a little girl to keep her from being brain washed by the Europeans and to keep her from death. When she gets older she will keep telling these stories to other Africans to live on the African strength. This is how the community building continues across the Caribbean today. People keep telling the stories and trying to keep the strong bonds of us...Africans.

  4. In Alistair Campbell's "Anasi" the symbol of a Web is given to show the importance of community. Anansi's Web represents the assembly of the slaves in the hold of the ship. In the play Anasi keeps trying to build his Web but keeps failing to successfully build it. This represents the struggles, trials and tribulations that the African people endured during the slave trade. In the end they stood United and strong just like the web

  5. In Alistair Campbell's 'Anansi', community is symbolised by Anansi's web.Community building continues across the Caribbean today because the Africans are very loving people. Many persons in the Caribbean today show love just like the woman showed love and nurtured the girl as her own. We see that in the hold, just like Anansi's web, links are being formed and they are being united and gaining strength through the telling of stories. Today, these stories are being read and shared and bonds are being formed to build a community. We learn that wisdom and strength comes from within and we do not need to see to gain wisdom. Everybody in the hold is linked,growing together through the telling of stories. In the Caribbean, many persons are linked together, for example, through the world wide web. Many tribes came together and united, and today, through the world wide web, many persons are united.

  6. In Anansi, Alistair Campbell stresses on community. He uses the word web as a symbol for community. The web is what links everyone together. In the hold there are many different tribes that connect and form a family. When they connect, they grow strong relationships with each other. Today in the Caribbean, community building continues as the stories are passed on.

  7. In Anansi, the word community is emphasis which indicates the strength and bond told in story telling. Anansi web is an example used in the stories to represent the community, this web connects all the Africans from all over the world to Africa. Alistar Campbell explains the web, when the girl and the women are both from different tribes and connect through the form of story telling, through this we recognize the bond formed by the Africans as the women takes the role of the mother and the girl as the daughter.
    As a young lady growing up in the Caribbean we all share something in common such as our culture, our native languages and such more. We continue to grow when we help countries whom witness destruction an example being Dominica whom experienced a tropical storm and many of the sistering countries assisted greatly, not allowing a Caribbean country to fail as we are all one.
    Stories like Anansi will forever be told and through, parent grandparents or even gardians and later down the children being told will pass these stories down strengthening the web.
    Although we are being brainwashed into the outside world cultures we sill hold onto our culture and traditions, that is exactly why we form the Caribbean.


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  9. A community is defined by the Merriam Webster Dictionary as a group of people who have the same interests, religion, race, etc. The symbol Alistair Campbell uses in the play 'Anansi' as the community is the web. The web is a symbol of the community because like a community it connects the people of the hold together, through links such as their race. This web connects the captives to their home Africa through the stories they share. In the hold the people were connected to each other even though they were once strangers before, showing the strong connection these African people had because of the web.
    Community building continues across the Caribbean today. African culture is still shared across the Caribbean through stories, educating people of the African cultures. African customs are still practised in the Caribbean today, through traditional dances such as the bélé. This shows that still today Anansi's web connects us to our home Africa. The web continues to link Caribbean countries, allowing us all to coexist, remembering that we are all descendants of Africa. The web constantly grows and becomes stronger as parents continue to pass on Anansi's stories through many generations.

  10. In the Anansi story, Community is greatly represented in the symbol of Anansi's web. In the story, the girl sees spider struggling to begin its web- this symbolizes the initial struggling of the African as they get caught up in the slavery. After some time the spider is able to begin its web, this is after the woman begins telling the Anansi stories were the girl gets some sort of hope from knowing that a little spider can conquer a whole forest. The Forest of Stories are from past genarations of slaves, and Anansi, the main character, is known to be the comforter of the slaves. The slaves had communed then, or rather had come together due to the strenghth the stories had empowered in them. In the Caribbean today, community building is continued through the traditional stories that we tell, that are passed down through several generation. Myths and folktales are an example of this as they carry an abundant amount of our own cultural information. This can also take place in the forms of plays and skits as well. As long as we keep passing on our traditional, cultural tales, our community will continue to build, more intimately as a family. Every land/place has a different cultural background and through this we are united as a people like the Anansi stories had linked the West African slaves on the Middle Passage in 1971.

  11. A community is commonly considered a social unit (a group of people) who have something in common. In the Anansi story ,a web is a symbol used to describe the community. The slaves were all connected through the stories despite being from separate tribes. They are all bonded by little strings, all connected , linked by their race. In the Caribbean despite having traditions, we are all bonded by our cultures and African descendents. We are all connected as we still share our African traditions such as our national wear and dances and even our language and music. Most importantly ,we all continue to share the Anansi stories and connect based on our rich heritage and culture appreciation.

  12. The symbol used to discuss community is Anansi's web. The strings of a web are all connected to the middle.The slaves are all connected to mother Africa. During the middle passage the web is built by sharing of culture.Their folk tales and songs keep them together as a unit, though chained Even if they don't think they can make it, that web gives them the strength they didn't even know they had.Today, community building in the Caribbean has changed. In some famlilies it has remained like the web. In the others families are distant now, like the boy and captain's relationship. We adopt the European lifestyle and seem to forget our roots and African culture

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  14. In Alistair Campbell's Anansi, the web symbolizes the community. We all know how a web looks, it's several strings of silk connected to each other one way or another. In the hold we see how the woman treated the little girl as her own and did her best to embrace her enough for her to survive the journey. The Africans in the hold stick came together to embrace their culture and each other despite their different tribes. In the hold they told stories of mother Africa to keep their culture alive to not get brainwashed by European culture which was what they would have soon been exposed to.

  15. Alistair Campbell uses the web to symbolize community. The web shows unity and connection as a family. Although the people in the hold may be from different tribes they found a way to come together. One example of this is the woman and the girl. Although they were strangers in the past they treated each other like mother and daughter, the woman told the little girl stories which shows the culture and history of Africa. She comforted the little girl and gave her courage and hope to carry on through the transatlantic voyage. Community building continues in the Caribbean as grandparents and parents tell their children and grandchildren stories of the past or stories that was told to them by their parents. Although the bond is not as strong as before it is still present in the Caribbean.

  16. Alistair Campbell uses the web to symbolize community. The web shows unity and connection as a family. Although the people in the hold may be from different tribes they found a way to come together. One example of this is the woman and the girl. Although they were strangers in the past they treated each other like mother and daughter, the woman told the little girl stories which shows the culture and history of Africa. She comforted the little girl and gave her courage and hope to carry on through the transatlantic voyage. Community building continues in the Caribbean as grandparents and parents tell their children and grandchildren stories of the past or stories that was told to them by their parents. Although the bond is not as strong as before it is still present in the Caribbean.

  17. In Alistair Campbells 'Anansi' we see the UNITY of all the Africans in the hold. Though they were brought from different tribes and some of them being kings and princesses they still operated as one in hold. In Anansi the spider's web represents community. A community is a group of people who live and work together or the betterment of the people living there. Each string in the web signifies the tribes in Africa and brings them together as one nation. In the story we encounter a young girl and a woman who become bonded by the one thing the have in common ; Africa being their home. Today, Caribbean Countries fonded an organization known as the OECS( Organization of The East Caribbean States) that help each order in their times of need or panic. This group can be traced back into Anansi 's web which symbolizes UNITY.

  18. In Alistair Campbell's Anansi the web symbolizes community this is because all africans all over are connected one way or other even if they come from different families or nations because if africans stand together we form a huge society because we are bonded because of our heritage ,just like from the book how the woman shares the anansi stories with the girl so that the girl won't become colonized when she makes it to the west indies so when she tells her these stories she instills in her the african heritage that she will pass on to her children and grandchildren and these stories will continue to spread through out africans everywhere so because of these stories we are connected liked a web that continues to grow but this web will be destroyed if africans today convert to the european way of life and continue living a european lifestyle.

  19. In Alistair Campbell the web symbolizes unity of the Africans. in the book we see how the young boy fathers treats him. he treats his son as if he is just one of his sailors. they share no love, they have no bond. he's not even allowed to call his father father but rather captain but the Africans is different. even though the girl and the are complete strangers she took the role of being her mother. along the way the had a bond in the hold. if it wasn't for the web and Anansi stories the little girl could get colonized, she have no idea who she is. where she comes from and what she stands for. the web kept them together as one.

  20. In African play Anansi the web symbolizes the community and the togetherness of the Africans. In the play we see how the girl is taken away from her family and is brought on the ship to be sold. The girl was frightened about the whole situation and the thought of being taken away from her family made her more upset, but all that changed when she came across an elderly woman tied next to her on the ship. The woman who is also a complete and total stranger reassured the girl of her worries and told her that everything is going to be alright, she also gave her comfort just like how her Mother used to give her. This shows the togetherness of the Africans and how they are linked to one another and how much they also bonded over the riddles and the Anansi stories

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  22. In Alistair Campbell's 'Anansi', the theme of Community is symbolised by the web. The web of a spider is said to represent the connection between the people of different tribes in the hold. The web of Anansi was what held Africa together. It linked them together.The captured Africans bonded by those they were chained to because of the true family spirit which is part of Africa. The beginning of the script shows how this little girl was scared, frightened and anxious. She was crying for her mother who she was taken from, she didn't know what was happening to her but the woman gave her mental strength by telling her Anansi stories. Throughout the play, we see how the woman and the girl became closer, until the girl even started to call the woman 'Mother'. The dramascript shows us the difference between the Africans and Europeans in family. The boy and the Captain had a sour relationship other than the girl and the woman who bonded in the hold even though they did not knew each other.
    In the Caribbean, the community building continues. For example, in Haiti, the art of story-telling is still passing down. Story-telling is an aspect of their culture just like Haiti. In other places, like Dominica, folklores are still a part of us. These stories have been part of us for a very long time. The World Wide Web is also used to connect us together and still continues to.

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  24. In Anansi, Alistair Campbell uses the web as a symbol to identy building of the community. Ananasi was persistant on bui;ding his web even if it broke off he kept on trying. On the ship, the africans in the hold was were sharing stories which brought a connection. The story telling between the girl and woman brought a relationship between these strangers. The woman was a mother figure to the girl, the stories gave the girl the courage she needed for yhe voyage and the rest off her life. The bound shared between these people brought unity.

  25. A community is a group of people living in the same area, or simply a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests and goals. In Alistair Campbell's 'Anansi' he uses the web to represent the unified body of the Africans in the hold and how the strength that they found in community, influences future generations. In the beggining of the drama, Anansi tries to build his web but kept falling and crawling back up, again and again, until finally he manages to get one little thread to attached to the beam; it becomes the foundation to build his web. This symbolizes the trials and hardships the Africans had to endure under the control of the Europeans and how their circumstances forced them to become a community. That same spirit of family, culture, love and sodality is like a genetic instilled in the souls of all those from African descent. Anansi stories are still used to educate young minds on the traditions and values of their culture. The preservation of language, dance, food and dress help to maintain the strong bond that the Africans had, in the Caribbean.

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  26. In Alistair Campbell's book, Anansi, One of the principal themes depicted is community. In the book, community is exemplified by using a web to connect the Africans in the hold. Though at first their minds were unharmonious, it was their unity with each other which helped them to stand firmly. This shows how much a community they were for without amalgamation a community is fictitious. Community building is still well and alive today in the Caribbean. Communities in the Caribbean especially in Dominica can be considered as family because of how strong their bond is. It is always said that it takes a community to raise a child and with the mixture of backgrounds, culture and tradition is instilled into the minds of our youth.

    Another way in which community building is continued by us in the Caribbean is by the recognition of Community Day of Service. Community Day of Service is a day reserved especially for community development by planting new trees and enhancing the face of our communities. The day concludes with a street jump up where our people dance to our cultural music in the streets of Roseau.

    Community building is definitely still alive in the Caribbean and I do hope and pray that the present generation will preserve it for future generations to come.

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  28. n the african script by Alistair Campbell, the web was used as a symbol. The web that was made by the spider in the hold on the ship was meant to be a bond or connection for the Africans even though they could not see and were unknown to each other despite there fear and worries of the European treatment they shared wisdom, courage, patience and a genuine growing relationship between one another. In the beginning of the drama the girl was clueless of what to expect from the voyage and her mind was fragile she was sacred for she had no blood related family near, on the voyage the woman in the script cheer the girl with riddles and stories of Anansi where courage, wisdom was past on to her as well as appreciating her culture and values. The woman in the script was described as 'Africa' for she played an impact of making the girl survive the voyage mentally and physically. African culture continues in most Caribbean countries, example the elderly would tell myths and folks stories just as the 'Anansi ' also african descents tend to correct the younger generation as they would be corrected before.Where strangers meet a string of web is formed in African culture

  29. The symbol of community used in the play is the web. The web connects everyone in the hold together and creates a sense of unity. It does not only connect the Africans in the hold; it connects Africans everywhere. Today, community is still being built across the Caribbean via the sharing of the Anansi stories. The Anansi stories carry with them the culture of the African people and the secret to its survival. The Africans emit warmth amidst themselves and all have a strong connection within. We must continue to share our culture.

  30. Describing an African community in the simplest form, an African proverb states " When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion". In this play by Alistair Campbell , the spider's web can be understood to represent or symbolize the community depicting strength, connectivity and wisdom among the people. It is believed that all things in the universe are connected by web-like strands, with each decision made affecting another. IN the hold of the ship where the slaves are being kept , the sharing of stories and beliefs about the web show the depth of the African culture and ways of life. The woman in the hold describes the web as "So light you can barely see it. So beautiful no human being can hope to make one. Strong enough to hunt with, pure enough to see through, always being made again". The development of the web through observation by the woman and the girl in the hold also holds significance to the transformation of the Africans form living peacefully in Africa to living as slaves in America forced to be colonized. The web shows the love, warmth , traditional and peaceful spirit of the Africans despite their situation. Additionally , the juxtaposing of the girl and woman in contrast to the boy and the captain by Campbell shows a new and loving relationship born from captivity and entrapment in contrast to a cold and harsh longstanding kinship between the boy and his father whom he is impelled to call 'Captain'. Similarly , the Caribbean can be considered as one big mixing pot, a community. The Caribbean , like the web is connected in many ways and as a group, have kept culture preservation as a priority. One of the most widely known and used ways a culture preservation in story telling through oral tradition.In order to continue keeping the culture our our ancestors alive, there are more than 15 associations and organizations created to rally the Caribbean together in education,sport,economics , tourism and more. Together the Caribbean region has grown in many areas due to connectivity and culture as seen in the web.

  31. In Alistair Campbell's 'Anansi' the community is symbolised by the web. It connects people of the hold together. This tradition continues across the Caribbean today. Today these stories are being shared by our elders to help create that bond across the world. Thought we are influenced by other cultures our Caribbean culture still remains strong and united.
